The abstract should be written in proper English in a generally accessible style.
• Maximum length of the title is 140 characters, including spaces.
• The title should be written in sentence case.
• Trademarks are not allowed in the abstract title.
• Provide the names, institutional affiliations, cities, and countries of all contributing authors.
• A maximum of 12 authors per abstract is allowed.
• The person submitting the abstract will be considered the submitting author.
His/her name will automatically appear on the abstract.
• Only one abstract as first author is allowed.
• All communication regarding an abstract will be sent to the submitting author.
• Maximum length of the abstract is 1,750 characters, including spaces.
• The abstract should be written in plain text.
• It is suggested, but not mandatory, to organize abstracts in sections as follows: Background (or Introduction);
Materials and methods; Results; Conclusions.
• Trademarks may be included in the abstract text between brackets, but only the first time the product/service/technology
is mentioned.
• One illustration (simple photograph/table/figure) may be uploaded for inclusion in the abstract.
The maximum length of the abstract then becomes 1,250 characters, including spaces.
If the character count is not reduced adequately, the scientific committee reserves the right to omit the illustration
from the abstract.
• Make reference to the illustration at the appropriate place in the abstract text.